What’s this about?

Nothing fancy; just a simple blog covering my explorations and experiences as a newly licensed amateur radio operator or “ham”.

It’ll start with how I became interested in amateur radio, going about getting licensed and then progress into my initial, and on-going, experiences with gear and radio operations. Over time it will include articles on things I have built or intend to build (along with any design and implementation processes), tutorials and possibly reviews of gear I have purchased.

We’ll see from there …

What it’s NOT …

I’m not looking to create any kind of social media following, and I neither need, nor desire, sponsorship nor advertising revenue, so:

  • Posts will not be on an artificial schedule, as I’m not worried about building/maintaining readership. They will simply occur when there’s something I want to talk about (such as a new experience, something I’ve learned, or a new piece of gear) and have time to write it up.

  • Initial posting will likely be more frequent, simply as a function of “catching up” on the past few months of being a ham.

  • Any comments about gear will be based on stuff I’ve purchased myself, with my own money, from normal retail outlets. If such comments grow to the point of being “reviews”, it’ll be because the gear in question has become a permanent part of my fixed or mobile operations. I have no interest in reviewing gear just because I can get my hands on it; if its not something I want for my own use then I don’t care.